The Irrefutable Best Books of 2014, As Determined by Science*


IMG_0092It’s been a trying year here at Sorry Television. Sidetracked by work—and, let’s be honest, an endless procession of binge-worthy Netflix inventory—I am set to close out 2014 with a mere 32 books under my belt, near enough to bi-weekly that I should probably rebrand as You’re Welcome Television (subtitle: Reading Books Every So Often, Like When the Power Goes Out). I’m already planning redemptive 2015 reading goals (a book a day? a book an hour?) but for the time being I’ll have to accept mediocrity, and foist as much blame as possible on a shorter commute’s ability to stymie even the most dedicated bibliophile.

But I can claim a smidge of productivity this month, which is why I’m Indiana-Jonesing under the content door that is Christmas week to bring you The Irrefutable Best Books of 2014, a master list of this year’s greatest hits, as determined by 21 other “best of”s written by people who have actually read them…

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The Connected Universe

gs neil

Unified Physics.  We may be on the verge of knowing, being and relating like never before.  I have followed the work these guys are doing for a while and it’s breathtaking.  Check it out.

As the indiegogo site says: “This documentary film explores new understandings in science that reveal a bigger picture of interconnection than we have ever imagined.”

I think it’s worth supporting:

Also, The Resonance Project:

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